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Mailmarketbox is a fully-featured email marketing application to enhance and further your business development so that you can manage your email campaigns, lists, create/modify the templates you want, track and follow-up on your campaigns and have website tools at your disposal if you have your own website. Your area is private and your lists, campaigns and personal templates are not shared whatsoever. Below is a summary of the main features of Mailmarketbox and this document will show you how ...
In order to send outgoing emails to your subscriber email list, you need to add an SMTP email delivery server to your MailMarketBox account. From your MailMarketBox account your email campaign is sent to your email delivery server and it finally delivers the emails to your subscriber mailbox. Currently, MailMarketBox support easily adding SMTP servers selecting SMTP, SMTP Postal, or from Amazon SES, Mandrill, SendGrid, Sparkpost, Elasticemail, MailGun etc. You can add and activate one delivery...
Sending Domain Name is a domain which indicates from whom an email campaign is sent via “From:” header. For example: In screenshot given below; “” is the sending domain name.   You should add and verify this domain name in your SMTP email delivery provider dashboard and this domain will be used to send emails from your Mailmarketbox and your delivery server account.   For example, if you would like to send an email campaign from email address – then, you...
While designing email template inside email editor of MailMarketBox, you can easily add unsubscribe tag on the text where you need to create a link for unsubscribe. In the email template editor, select the text where you need to add link, then, click on the add hyperlink button and then add [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] to the http:// field. Finally, select “others” from drop down and click on ok to save settings. This tag [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] will dynamically convert into link for the subscribers who will r...
When sending a campaign, you are able to use a number of custom tags and filters. Most common tags are listed below: Tag Required [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] YES [COMPANY_FULL_ADDRESS] YES [DIRECT_UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK] NO [UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK] NO [UPDATE_PROFILE_URL] NO [WEB_VERSION_URL] NO [EMAIL] NO [FNAME] NO [LNAME] NO [CAMPAIGN_URL] NO [LIST_NAME] NO [LIST...
To upload an email list, first create an email list and select the email list where you want to upload the subscribers, then, click on “Import List Tools” icon from the right side of the screen. After you have created an email list from “View all List” menu. Go to Lists -> View All List -> Select a list -> Click on Tools option. Import List Tools– is used to import, export and copy your list/subscribers. CSV and Text files will be most applicable to you, while the database box is for more adv...
For advanced MailMarketBox users, Diamond group, we give facility to add tracking domain. Tracking domain gives ability to users to add their own tracking domain name which appear as link inside the email content body. By default, without this setting all the hyperlinks inside email content body look like,**** or**** and so on. Although, this is rarely observed inside the email body by subscribers who are receiving emails, sometimes larg...
MailMarketBox has email template gallery where, we have added a few open-source templates that you can use for free inside your email campaigns. You can check the email template gallery inside your MailMarketBox dashboard under Templates > Gallery. From the Gallery, you can import email templates of your choice inside your own template gallery and then, use it inside your email campaign.   Note: When you are building an email template at an external editor, you should first export the emai...